TTD Recruitment 2015 Application Forms Online :: AP TTD Recruitment 2015 Notification will be released very shortly on it's official website of TTD There are 2800 vacancies in Administration, Engineering, Vigilance, Medical, Garden, and Printing press departments. Online Application Form will soon be issued with AP TTD Recruitment notification 2015 which is scheduled to be released with in few weeks. The selection is done based on their educational qualification.
This is a good news for the unemployed youth who are looking forward for Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) Jobs. TTD is going to isssue the notification for filling up of 2800 vacancies. The application form can be downloaded through official website. All candidates are advised to read the notifications & instructions carefully before applying online. These vacancies will be recruited with in the next few months. Eligibility, Age limit and scale of pay will be released for the below posts along with the notification. The No. of posts department wise and selection process are given below.
Total No. of Posts : 2800
Department wise TTD Vacant posts :
- Administration: 1300 Posts
- Engineering: 130 Posts
- Vigilance: 50 Posts
- Medical: 56 Posts
- Printing Press, Garden and other Posts : 210
Selection Process : Applicant will be selected on the based on their educational qualification
How to Apply TTD Recruitment 2015 :
1. Need to open the official website at
2. Click on the “Recruitment” ,
3. Fill up the Online Application with required personal and educational information.
4. Upload photos where asked.
5. Complete the remaining steps and submit the application online.
6. Take a print out of copies of e-Receipt and online application form for future use.
For more details regarding to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) Recruitment of 2,800 Vacancies Notification, the Candidates are advised to visit Official site of TTD