MAT Admit Card 2015 February - AIMA MAT 2015 Hall Ticket Download :: All India Management Association (AIMA) is going to conduct Management Aptitude Test (MAT) on 1st February 2015 as Paper base and 7th February 2015 as Computer base at various exam centers. Who had applied AIMA MAT 2015 Admit Card will be released. The applicants can download the admit card of MAT 2015 very shortly through it's official website Admission notification had been issued by All India Management Association for the students who want to take admission in the MBA courses. The Admit CArd of MAT 2015 will not be sent to candidates by post/Mail. Applicants need to download their Admit card as soon as it declares.
A large number of students who had applied for MAT Exam 2015 are eagerly waiting for the MAT Admit Card to attend the this exam. This exam only is given by the graduate students who submitted appllication form for getting admission in the Management colleges. All the Students are busy in their preparation since MAT exam is close. The applicants have to download the Admit card 2015 before 15 to 17 days of MAT exam. Candidates carry the Admit card with you on exam time. Faculty members will not allow to sit in the examination hall without admit card. The admit card consists of exam venue, roll number, room number etc
All the aplicants are dvised to check the official site regularly for latest updates regarding to AIMA MAT Admit Card 2015,
Exam Date : Paper Base on 1st Feb 2015 and Computer Base on 7th Feb 2015
How to download AIMA MAT Admit Card 2015
1. Open the link
2. Choose the option of Admit Card 2015,
3. Enter the required details and submit the information,
4. Take a print out of Admit card 2015 or save it in your system.