NIMCET MCA Admit Card 2015 Download, NIT MCA Entrance Hall Ticket 2015, NIMCET Admit Card 2015 May
The NIT’s (National Institute of Technology) is going to release NIMCET Hall Ticket 2015 for the candidates who registered for this NIT MCA common Entrance Test for getting admission into MCA course. The examination is going to be conduct by NIT’s on the 31st May 2015. Eligible students are now waiting and searching for the hall ticket to attend the common entrance test. Applied candidates need to download their call letter 2015 through official website.
NIMCET Admit Card 2015 |
The entrance test is of 2 hours duration and has 120 MCQ questions. Each correct answer will carry 4 marks and wrong answer will attract 1 negative mark. In this exam we have 4 sections. 40 questions will come from Mathematics, 10 questions will come from computer Awareness, 55 questions will come from Analytical ability and Logical Reasoning and 15 questions will come from General English.
The NIT MCA Entrance Test (NIMCET 2015) is an entrance test for admission into MCA programme offered by 11 Participating institutes of Technology (NIITs).
The Hall ticket will be available in the first week of May, 2015 on it's official website Admit Card is an essential document which you must have at the time of examination.
How to download NIMCET Entrance Exam Hall Ticket 2015:
1. Applied candidates need to log on to official website
2. Now go to Admit Cards section,
3. Click on NIMCET Hall Ticket 2015
4. Enter registration number and date of birth to download
5. Click on submit button,
6. Take a printout and save it.