KCET Admit Card 2015 www.cet.kar.nic.in Entrance Exam Karnataka CET Hall Ticket 2015 Download
KCET 2015 Hall Ticket / Admit Card issued at kea.kar.nic.in. The Karnataka Examinations Authority will conduct Karnataka CET exam to give opportunity for the students to complete their professional courses in the institute of Karnataka. The students who want to take admission in Engineering, Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy, Yoga, Architecture, Agriculture, B.Pharma, Pharma-D, B.FSc, B.Sc Agri Bio Tech, BHSc.(Home Science), B.Tech and many other courses had applied for this exam.This exam will be conducted 29th & 30th April 2015 and Kannada Language Test 2015 will be held on 1st May 2015.
KCET Admit Card |
The Candidates are looking forward towards the KCET call letter 2015. Admit card of KCET will be available for download from 15th April 2015 on it's official website of KEA http://kea.kar.nic.in/.Aspirants should not get anxious about their call letter. They should concentrate on their preparation only.
Candidates who have successfully submitted their KCET 2015 applications can download their admission ticket from the official website of KEA before 10 days of examination. Aspirants have to keep the admit card safe with them it will be asked at the time of the examination. Aspirants without call letter will not be able to give the examination.
How to Download KCET Hall Tickets 2015:
1. Need to visit the official website of KEA http://kea.kar.nic.in/
2. Now, see the link of KCET Hall Tickets 2015,
3. Click on that link and enter required details and submit it,
4. Then appeared admit card on the computer screen
5. Download it and take print out for the reference.