DTE Maharashtra MBA MMS CET Results 2015, MAH MBA CET Merit List 2015, MAH MBA MMS CET 2015 Results
DTE Maharashtra MAH MBA MMS CET Results 2015 will be available to check on March 25. DTE Maharashtra State to announce MBA CET/MMS CET Admission Test Results 2015 Online at http://dtemaharashtra.gov.in. MAH MBA MMS CET 2015 Entrance Examination was held in 14th, 15th March 2015 at different centres across the state. The Entrance Exam for Admission into MBA and MMS Course for the Academic 2015-16. A plenty of candidates are appeared MAH MBA/MMS CET 2015. Now all the candidates are awaiting for MAH MBA/MMS CET Merit List 2015.
Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra CET 2015 Examination appeared around 57072 of candidates. MAH MBA MMS CET Result 2015 Merit List to Download after the result. Who are qualified / scored in good marks, their get an admissions in first year MBA/MMS PG Course. DTE MAH MBA / MMS CET 2015 Results of Amaravati, Mumbai, Nagpur, Aurngabad, Nashik, Pune.
A total of 200 objective type multiple choice questions. For every right answer, one mark will be awarded to the candidates, however, no negative marking is applicable for a wrong answer. MAH CET MMS MBA exam conducted in two sessions on 14 & 15 March 2015. The Session 1, Session 2 was held between 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM respectively. The appeared candidates can check the official portal on 25th March 2015 at 5:00 PM, after the results is declered.
Check DTE MAH MBA/MMS CET Results 2015 :
1. Click on the website www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in
2. Now click on Result tab which is given on the navigation
3. Open on the "MAH MBA MMS CET 2015 Result"
4. Enter your Roll Number and date of birth.
5. Submit button to check the result online.
6. Take a printout of the copy