SBI Exam Answer Key 2015 SBI Clerk Associate Bank :: State Bank of India is going to announce the Answer key 2015 for SBI Associate Bank Clerk online exam. SBI conducted the examination on 24th and 25th January 2015 for recruitment of Clerk in Associate banks of SBI at various examination centers cross India. Lakhs of eligible applicants from all over India have applied online for this examination. All the candidates who appeared for SBI Associate Bank Clerk online exam, can download the answer key and Cut off marks from it's official website
The Candidates who are anxiously waiting for SBI Associate Bank Clark exam results, can download the answer key through official website and check their marks with the answer key. The exam pattern of online objective type test consists of General awareness, General English, Quantitative aptitude, Reasoning and Marketing/Computer knowledge. The entire question paper is divided into 5 sections in which each section carries 40 marks.
All the candidates need to download the answer keys with set wise A, B, C and D. SBI Associate Bank Clerk exam answer key 2015 will be released very soon on it's official website. All the candidates are advised to visit the official website regularly for the latest updates of SBI Associate Bank Clerk exam Answer Key 2015. Below are the steps to download your answer key through online
1. Need to Log on to official website
2. Choose the option of SBI Associate Bank Clerk Exam 2015 Answer key,
3. Enter the exam date, paper session and paper code
4. Submit the information and download the answer key in PDF file format
5. Take a print of of Answer sheet 2015 or save it in your system.