NIOS 10th Final Exam Date Sheet 2015 Download NIOS Secondary :: National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Board will release soon NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet 2015 for 10th class annual examination. A plenty of Students are going to appear for NIOS 10th class exam.They are eagerly waiting for NIOS 10th Class Date sheet 2015. All the students need 10th class time table for preparation of the examination. NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015 will be available 2months prior to the final examination. NIOS 10th Class examination is going to be held in the month of March/APril 2015.
NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015 will be updated in the month of January / February 2015. All the candidates can download 10th class Date sheet 2015 from it's official website This is good news for the students who are going to appear in NIOS 10th class annual exam. The NIOS is the Board of Education for Distance education. The NIOS secondary Course is equivalent to 10th Class students who read minimum 5 subjects along with one language or two languages. Languages and Subjects are given below.
Languages : Hindi, English, Bengali, Marathi, Telgu, Urdu etc
Subjects: Mathematics, Science and Technology , Social Science, Economics, BST, Home Science, Data Entry Operation, Psychology, India Culture & Heritage, Painting.
The NIOS Board issues The NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015 with detailed information such as the seat number, time of examination, center and details of subject. The NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015 will be available shortly on the official website. for more details regarding to The NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015, All the candidates are advised to visit the official website .Below are the steps to check The NIOS 10th Class Date Sheet/Time Table 2015.
1. Need to log on the official website
2. Then search and click on Time Table link,
3. Click on 10th Class Date Sheet/ Time Table 2015,
4. Download and save it in your system.