ICAR AIEEA 2015-16 UG/PG/SRF Admit Card 2015 Online icarexam.net :: Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) is going to release the Admit card for AIEEA UG, AIEEA PG and Ph.D SRF (PGS) 2015-16 courses. Admission notification had been issued by ICAR for the students who want to take admissions in the UG and PG courses. ICAR will conduct All India Entrance Examination in the month of April 2015 at various examination centers. The applicants who had applied for AIEEA UG and PG courses Entrance Examination are anxiously waiting for the Admit Card 2015.
ICAR Exam Ph.D SRF (PGS) 2015-16 Admit card of AIEEA UG PG will not be sent to candidates by post/email. Applicants have to download their admit card available on it's official website www.icarexam.net. All the students who are going to appear for AIEEA UG and PG courses Entrance Examination are busy in their preparation since AIEEA UG and PG courses Entrance Exam is close. The students need to download their admit card roll numbers on last week of March 2015. The Students bring a print-out of the Admit card to the test center.
AIEEA 2015 Exam Dates :
Date and Time of Examination (AIEEA - UG) 11.04.2015 (10.00 AM to 12.30 PM)
Date and Time of Examination (AIEEA - PG) 12.04.2015 (10.00 AM to 12.30 PM)
Date and Time of Examination (SRF-PGS) 12.04.2015 (10.00 AM to 1.00 PM)
Instructions To Download AIEEA UG PG Admit Card 2015 :
1. Open the link www.icarexam.net.
2. Choose the option of Admit Card 2015
3. Enter the required details and submit the information
4. Take a print out of Admit card 2015 or save it in your system.