apeamcet.org 2015 Notification EAMCET 2015 Application Form Download, AP EAMCET 2015 Important Dates
EAMCET 2015 is an entrance exam to get the admission for various courses of Agriculture, Medical and Engineering Offered by Universities and its affiliated colleges of Andhra Pradesh. EAMCET 2015 Notification is released officialy at www.apeamcet.org. The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) is going to conduct The Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test – 2015. EAMCET 2015 is a State Level Entrance Test. EAMCET 2015 Application form will be available most probably in the month of March 2015 and the exam will be held on 10th May 2015 at various centers in AP. Interested candidates can download the application form and they can apply for AP EAMCET 2015 Entrance examination through it's official website on before last date.
AP EAMCET 2015 |
The exact schedule of commencement of application, last date, availability of admit cards, test date and declaration of result will be notified in notification. AP EAMCET 2015 Notification will be released with in few days. The other important details regarding EAMCET 2015 Notification are provided here.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The applicants should be of Indian citizenship and belonging to the state of Andhra Pradesh.
- Applicants must have qualified in 10+2 standard with Physics, Mathematics and Biology/ Chemistry.
- An applicant should score at least 45% marks in 12th standard to meet the eligibility EAMCET 2015.
- The age should not be less than 17 years
Application Fee:
For Engineering Stream: Rs.250/-
For Agriculture & Medical (AM):Rs.250/-
For Engineering, Agriculture & Medical (E & AM):500/-
Selection Process: The admission of applicant will be depending on the state level rank evaluated on the basis of EAMCET score 2015
AP EAMCET Online Application Form Procedure :
1. Candidates need to log in the official portal www.apeamcet.org .
2. Select the link for online application form,
3. Fill application form with correct information.
4. Print Confirmation page for your record and future reference.
For more details regarding to AP EAMCET 2015 Notification, please check regularly official website www.apeamcet.org