Inter 1st year Hall Ticket 2015, AP Intermediate Hall Ticket 1st year 2015, AP Junior Inter Hallticket 2015 College wise by name
AP Junior Intermediate Exam 1s year Hall Ticket 2015 has been issued at BIEAP 1st year Inter Hall Ticket 2015 College wise, Roll Number wise download from here. Board of Intermediate exams conducted in march 2015. The 1st year exam time table 2015 were download at official portal of BIEAP. IPE General/ Vocational Junior Inter students are now visit right page for inter 1st year hall ticket 2015.
Board of Intermediate 1st year exams will be appear 7.65 lakh students. The exams conduct over andhra pradesh. BIEAP Halltickets has send to your college. Who are not received the AP Inter 1st year Hall Ticket 2015 can get download from bieap website.
IPE March 2015 Intermediate 1st year exam hall ticket 2015 general or vocational nominal roll related details for contact principals. BOI first year hall ticket 2015 will get their college pricipals. Students can following given providing simple steps and download 1st year inter hall ticket 2015.
Now open the Hall Tickets Link appear on the screen
Select general or vocational stream, district and enter roll number
Now submit and get inter 1st yr exam hall ticket
Print a copy or save to your computer
All Students shall take a original hall ticket and halfnour before come to examination centre. Students well prepare for IPE March 2015 1st year exams.
All the Best to all students !